I am a lifelong Democrat. The first national election I voted in was in 1964 — LBJ vs. Barry Goldwater. You may then count me in the chorus calling for Joe Biden to quit the current race and make way for someone mentally and physically fit to lead this great nation. He proved that with last night’s disastrous debate performance against Donald Trump, who is unfit for the White House on grounds of character and moral probity. If he is, as many Democrats believe, an existential threat to democracy in the U.S., then the party must look to, and choose, a candidate with the youth, intelligence, and vigor to defeat him.
by Philip Caputo | Jun 28, 2024 | News | 20 comments
Of course you do not agree with RFK on Israel. You’re a Democrat. Just because you had a Jew (Charlie-Oscar-Hotel-Echo-November) in your book does give you license to ignore “I looked at the maps” treatment of the Jewish state.
Like you, I was a lifelong Democrat. Disillusioned by the Democrat war in Vietnam (combat photo-mopic officer) I went straight from the war to Israel. I was there during the ‘73 war when the Republican Richard Nixon saved the country with the AF magnificent airlift.
It became clear that I was in the wrong party. Mamet is right when he says all things come to an end. So too will our hegemony. (See VDH-The end of everything).
Take your own suggestion stick to your knitting.
I am a little late to the party, but America has spoken. Regrettably, we are stuck with a madman at the helm once again. Hang on. It’s going to be quite a ride whether we like it or not.
Off topic Mr. Caputo but have you read any of John M. Del Vecchio’s work?
Yes, I have.I thought “The 13th Valley”was excellent, among the best war novels I’ve ever read.
Phil, enjoy your blogs, and yes agree with your summation. Would like to offer a scenario that could possibly work for the democrats. Why not take a look at John Edward’s. Solid democratic values, has as you say youth, vigor, and intelligence. Just as important, he would eviserate trump in a debate. He could and would carry Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan. He would appeal directly to those female voters in the suburbs which are so critical. Penny for your thoughts
What we are dealing with here is a nation contemplating suicide. The sad fact is that we would be far safer with Biden in the Whitehouse reposed in a wheelchair babbling in his pablam then a meglomanic psychopathic Trump playing out his. Mein Kamph.
Well said. He needs to put his country first with democracy here and in Ukraine on the line
I find the current situation regarding the presumed candidates for POTUS unfathomable in this great country. For the third election in a row a great many Americans will not be voting for a candidate they want to lead this country, but will be voting against a person the don’t want to lead the country. We may have reached the the point where no one we want to be president wants the job.
I see no good outcome to the coming election unless there is some totally unforeseen event. (Certainly not outside the real of possibility.) Regardless of the results of the upcoming election we need to examine how we arrived at this situation. We have lost the ability to have civil discussions allowing us to understand different points of view. “If you don’t agree with me you are evil and I will disregard you”. The majority of people are simple echoing the statements they hear on “their” news media and “their” social media. Maybe we don’t have time to think for ourselves as we are to busy with other distractions.
I believe that if individuals from all parts of the political spectrum were asked what 10 things they want in this country at least 7 would be the same for all respondents. We are not all that different and we need to stop demonizing others. I also feel that the incredible greed that permeates this country is not doing us any good, but that is a topic for a different time.
That’s all that needs to be said ! Couldn’t agree with you more.
I fully agree with you Philip. Sad to see the disaster between Joe and Trump. I am an ABT (anyone but Trump). It still knocks me out to see people supporting Trump. He mocks Democracy and Truth and anyone who does not support him. Are people in The US really that gullible -seems so. ‘Be careful of what you ask for, because you just might get it’.
Come January, let’s all (the world) be scared if what looks like happening actually happens.
Comment Who? There are several excellent people I can think of but how many have the name recognition at this late date to take on Trump?
The critics have had a field day with President Biden after last night’s debut. Meanwhile, the Biden apologists are calling Biden the winner based on the facts and statistics he was able to quote while Trump refused to answer questions and just kept repeating lie after lie.
I agree, but I don’t think he will step aside. He should have stuck to his campaign promise of four years ago that he would only serve one term. Then more able candidates would have run in primaries, and we’d actually have 1-2 people that could beat Trump. Now, I’m very worried about what will happen in November.
He did quit the race. Like you, I didn’t think he would. Now we’ll see if Kamala can do better, much better, than she did when running for President four years ago.
I could not agree more.
Gavin Newsom please! (From the UK, where we’re about to drop kick into oblivion the worst government in our history)
Unless something unusual happens we are about to learn a hard lesson. The only problem is we never seem to learn from our mistakes, and in this case must hope that the salvage job isn’t too costly and the mistake forgivable.
Good to read your message. If both men cared about the good of the country, and the world for that fact, they would both stand down and move on to history. What happened to our leadership development system and where is Admiral Mcraven or an Army or Marine General who can come to the aid of our country in the worst of times? We need someone who has and can lead and put mission before myself as it is in the dictionary
I am very glad to get your view here, but Joe’s speech today, a Joe not seen last night, indicates he will be staying in, which means in any case that America will get the president she deserves.
I have to say this, not taking my cue from any news network, and knowing that most Democrats will strongly disagree with me. I have watched and listened a great deal to Bobby Kennedy. Unlike either of the candidates last night, he is talking about the problems that are afflicting most Americans. I don’t agree with him on Fauci, and I don’t agree with him on Israel, but at this point I think he could lead, and unite. If nothing new happens between now and the convention, I’ll probably vote for Kennedy.
I read this late, Tony, after Biden announced that he’s quitting the race. How we ended up facing a choice between a convicted felon and first-class demagogue and a geriatric with memory problems remains a mystery to me.But at least that dilemma is behind us. My hope, as I’m sure every democrat’s, is that Kamala finds her footing and whips the orange haired Caligula.