…got a dreamy, therapeutic sound to it, as in “I reached out to help her stop drinking, but I failed.” As a citizen of our great republic, Aaron, you are free to use this verb, but not with me. Henceforth, I beg of you, if someone is going to contact me by any means, be it phone, e-mail, letter, or carrier pigeon, please say in future communications that they will “contact” me. It’s a good, strong, concrete sort of word. I do give you leave, howeve…

Song of the cicada and other bugs of the road

…ica Hardy, commonly known as the Love Bug, the Honeymoon Fly, or the Double-Headed Bug. They mate in mid-air—backwards, the male facing one direction, the female the other (hence, the double-headed nickname). She is the larger of the two, and tows the male along—a kind of insect dominatrix. These creatures boil out of swamps and roadside ditches in such numbers that driving through them is like driving through a blizzard. In no time at all, your w…


…ers”. It sums up the book quite well. “Crossers” attempts to present a complex portrait, a mosaic in words, if you will, of what life is like “on the line:” the frontier between the U.S. and Mexico, between two cultures. It’s also story about the moral and emotional crossings people make, prodded by circumstances and their own characters. Immigration and border…


…Please note: Due to time constraints, my policy is that I do not read or comment on manuscripts nor books in galleys. I also no longer give endorsements in any context. Requests for lectures or speaking engagements Contact my agent Aaron M. Priest at apriest (at) aaronpriest (dot) com