by Philip Caputo | Oct 2, 2022 | Journal of a Plague Year
In the third paragraph of the recent post, JOURNAL OF A PLAGUE YEAR #41, “sister and brother-in-law” should read “sister-in-law and brother-in-law.” My sister, Patricia Esralew is NOT ill with COVID. My apologies for the misunderstanding.
by Philip Caputo | Oct 1, 2022 | Journal of a Plague Year
The Biden administration has come out with a couple of howlers in the past two weeks or so. The first was delivered by the Vice-President, responding to an interviewer’s question: “The border is secure.” The second, more recent chuckle-worthy comment was uttered by...
by Philip Caputo | May 29, 2022 | Journal of a Plague Year
Anastasia, our middle granddaughter, tested positive for Covid last week, following an 8th-grade field trip, and was quarantined. To the great relief of her parents and grandparents, her symptoms — fever, cough, fatigue — were fairly mild. She’s now almost completely...
by Philip Caputo | May 6, 2022 | News
Yesterday, we marked the second anniversary of Karen Marcus’s passing; her death from Covid in May, 2020, motivated me to start writing these periodic dispatches from the pandemic front. It’s strange how, in times crowded with events, your perception of...
by Philip Caputo | Apr 17, 2022 | News
This entry could be titled THE ELEVENTH RUSSIAN. Here’s why: A long time ago, when I was a foreign correspondent assigned to the Chicago Tribune’s Moscow bureau, I met a Finlander at a diplomatic reception. During our conversation, he mentioned that he had fought in...
by Philip Caputo | Jan 30, 2022 | News
Thought for the day as we embark on Year Three of the pandemic: Even if the Bee could explain to the Fly why pollen is better than shit, the Fly would not understand. The people to whom it applies should be obvious,
by Philip Caputo | Jan 14, 2022 | Journal of a Plague Year
Today’s journal entry will not be about Covid; it will address the question of whether the United States is on the brink of a second civil war, as some scholars and political commentators believe. Civil war, once unmentionable in our political discourse, has...
by Philip Caputo | Dec 26, 2021 | Journal of a Plague Year
After a four-day drive across this great and troubled republic, we landed in Arizona on Dec. 6, and found that our county here, Santa Cruz, geographically the smallest in the state at 1,238 square miles, has the second-highest vaccination rate for one dose — 89...
by Philip Caputo | Dec 1, 2021 | News
I am reminded of the line from the ads for the sequel to “Jaws” — Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water… Just as all of us thought it was safe to unmask and stand closer to each other than six feet and stop washing our hands...
by Philip Caputo | Oct 12, 2021 | News
A couple of weeks ago I rolled up my sleeve and got jabbed with the Pfizer booster shot, which ought to immunize me against Covid for a long time to come. But the virus has taken a back seat as a menace to my health: less than two months ago, I was diagnosed with...