Text of an email sent to VP J.D. Vance.
February 28, 2025
The Honorable J.D. Vance
Office of the Vice President
Dear Vice President Vance:
I served in Vietnam, as you did in Iraq, with the United States Marine Corps. That is among the reasons why I am stunned by the appalling treatment you and President Trump administered to President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine at the recent meeting in the White House. I wasn’t too taken aback by President Trump’s actions — like millions of Americans, I expect boorish, even idiotic behavior from him. But I expected a modicum of diplomacy and intelligence from you.
Yet you publicly castigated and humiliated Zelenksy, the first time in history that has happened in an Oval Office meeting with a head of state. Zelensky is an almost Churchillian figure who has valiantly led his nation for three bloody years against a massive Russian invasion. For you to tell him that his entrance into the Oval Office was disrespectful was disrespectful on your part. Worse, it was disgraceful. For you to attack Ukraine “forcing conscripts to the front line” displayed callousness and ignorance. We fought World War Two largely with conscripts. Moreover, what do you expect a mid-size power like Ukraine to do when invaded by a much bigger, better armed nation like Russia? Roll over and surrender?
I spent two years as a correspondent in Moscow, so I have more than a casual knowledge of Russian national aspirations. There is much more at stake in this conflict, as you should know (but probably don’t). Russia under Vladimir Putin wishes to resurrect the Soviet Empire. Reconquest of the Baltic and Balkan states are doubtless on the Kremlin’s agenda. That would follow the return of Ukraine to the Russian sphere of influence, and would more easily accomplished if it can demonstrate its might by while cowing the West to the role of spectator. How you and your boss can fail to see this reality is beyond me; it speaks of a blindness that’s willful.
I’ve read that the Kremlin is ecstatic over events in the Oval Office. Congratulations on your role in stirring its elation. You, sir, are a disgrace to to the cause of democracy, to this country, your office, and to the uniform you once wore.
Very Truly Yours,
Philip Caputo
Europe has done virtually nothing. Trump forced them to pay up the 2% they owed NATO annually. He repeatedly chastised Germany for abandoning French nuclear and other gas options to throw all their energy chips in on Russian oil. Poland got it immediately and took in Ukrainians from day one. I worked with 2 Ukrainian born men. Both en love the country and say it is totally corrupt and they believe Zelensky is corrupt. One has a brother there making monies off high end black market sales.
The fiasco of the Afghan withdrawal fed Russian Imperialism.
And let us not forget the world knew a Russia was waiting for Olympics to end to invade
This is directly from uber left NPR quoting Joe Biden
“I think what you’re going to see is that Russia will be held accountable if it invades. And it depends on what it does. It’s one thing if it’s a minor incursion and then we end up having a fight about what to do and not do.”
Why is it that six months ago no one was crying out about Zelensky’s unfitness, his corruption, his lack of appropriate deference to King Donald? It’s because His Majesty has made his dislike, if not his outright hatred, of Zelensky known, and so his fans follow his lead to show their loyalty. One day — could be two years from now, or five or ten — Russia will make a grab for the Baltic states and its favorite punching bag, Poland; and it will be emboldened by the quislings who sold out Ukraine in 2025.
I’m sure my brother, Jim Jackson, would have commented to you about this excellent letter. So I am commenting for him as he always admired your writing. Clear thoughts and common sense. I am so ashamed of our top leaders.
Thank you, Jeannette. Strange, isn’t it, that all of a sudden we’re hearing voices criticizing and condemning Zelensky, now that he’s met with the glorious leader’s disapproval.
Having taught The American Presidency at the university level, I have some background in the United States presidency. When I watched the disgraceful ambush by the most unqualified Vice President in United State history, along with possibly the worse president in history, I couldn’t believe what I was watching. As a veteran who served six-years in the United States Navy, and was part of the 1965 invasion of the Dominican Republic, I find Public Affairs fiction writer Vance an absolute disgrace to the Marine Corps, and the U.S. military in general. If either of those two clowns were a tenth the person President Volodymyr Zelensky is, they would never have disgraced themselves, and the United States, the way they did. I would dare them to visit Ukraine and go to the front lines of the war, as President Zelensky does. They would melt like butter in Death Valley.
Your words echo what any rational human being thinks of the stupid and ignorant people responsible for this debacle. One of the 2 is purely money and ego motivated and the other just wants to grasp the coat tails of the egotist. The fact that Mr. Vance fought(?) for his country just compounds his ignorance which he happily displayed towards the President of Ukraine. If US politicians wish to berate their own that is one thing but to treat someone from outside The USA in the manner displayed is entirely a different issue, Doing this isolates The US and certainly would not have been the wish of previous US Presidents. US citizens voted for this administration and have to live with this until the next Government elections. The rest of the world and mostly US supporters shouldn’t be expected to live with this, If the current administration wish to create enemies outside the US as well as within the US that is what the electorate voted for, The old saying ‘be careful of what you wish for because you might get it’ might see these people safe until the next round of elections.
Philip Caputo has risen even higher in my admiration.
Well said sir. JDV should have remained silent, and I think the meeting would have been much more productive.
Elizabeth Upthegrove Hampton
My brother Paul served in USMC in Viet Nam and was acquainted with you, as he was in your unit.
Wise words, Young Bushranger.
It’s not only Americans who were surprised by the attack on President Zelenskyy by your idiot In Chief and his Court Jester. We down in the antipodes were equally surprised that a head of state would attack another so publicly, as, obviously, were our European cousins.
While Trump and Vance – and many of their Whitehouse appointees – see the attempted humiliation of their Whitehouse guest as a diplomatic win, I believe the whole drama has backfired on them. The only person who won any friends at the end of the day was the man wearing the suit of a warrior.
Well stated Phil. Trump and Vance are an absolute embarrassment and disgrace. I hope Zelensky left a booger behind.
Correction to my comment, the President and Vice-President have flushed the $70,000,000,000 the U.S. has spent on the Ukraine war down the toilet.
Quite overjoyed to hear your clear and penetrating voice, ever credible.
I hope you are feeling good and enjoying your winter.
Come see us.
Quite overjoyed to hear your clear and penetrating voice, ever credible.
I hope you are feeling good and enjoying your winter.
Come see us.
Well said, Phil. You speak for many of us who feel the same way.
EXCELLENTY said in every way: and Vance was hardly a Marine, that fat fuck of a disgrace was a Public Affairs Marine – so he was writing the same bad fiction as he chooses to live in now.
We are betraying a democracy – and democracy – by turning our back on Ukraine who was invaded by an authoritarian murderous enemy. We should be helping Ukraine fight back instead of staging choreographed ambushes for the sake of a far right-Jan 6th crowd of cowards. Call it what it is.
Ha! Love PR Marine as fiction writer. S/F, Mike.
Incredibly, in one fell swoop the President and Vice-President flushed the $350,000,000,000 the United States has invested in the Ukraine War down the toilet.
BTW — I, too, am card-less and not properly thankful to Vance/Trump,
warm wishes,
Well said, Phil. I watched the travesty unfold yesterday and I thought of the book Cry The Beloved Country as the title sums up my feelings. The U.S. was brought low by the President and Vice President and now, by all their toadies scurrying to get on board. You as a gifted writer with your bona fides can do good with continued writings as the one you just wrote. Peter
Thank you for speaking your truth. You are a powerful voice. I hope Vance listens to you, although my guess is he is too far up his benefactor’s rear end to hear anything. But we all heard you. And agree.
Thanks, for your thoughtful and extremely accurate letter to JD Vance. I was embarrassed as an American for the despicable conduct of an abuse to a hero of Ukraine and the world for resisting Russian aggression. I’ve read, as I am sure you have, Sinclair Lewis’ It Can’t Happen Hear.
This is worse and most people are unaware it is happening. The GOP Congress knows but will not do anything about it. A disgraceful abdication of its Constitutional function.
Thank you for saying so perfectly what millions upon millions of Americans and allies around the world believe. Yesterday will indeed live in infamy. I pray the nation can survive.
Excellent letter. Like you and many Americans, I am disgusted and ashamed of what happened in the Oval yesterday. Please consider submitting the substance of your letter to the NYT and/or WP.